HF Micah JO81--- NAILE 2010 Grand Champion light wool male; NAILE 2009 Grand Champion light wool male; OHIO STATE FAIR 2009 Reserve Grand Champion Light wool male; NAILE 2008 Reserve Grand Champion Light wool male . . . . HF Dream Girl --- NAILE 2010 Reserve Grand Champion light wool female
Welcome! Take a look around and make yourself at home. Meet the family, see the animals, and find out what's new here, or where we are going next. Our farm is located in Port Washington, in Tuscarawas County, Ohio. We specialize in quality champion show Llamas, pet llamas, guard llamas, but that's not all we have. If your looking for fiber let us know in April/ May. We breed for quality fiber. Our herd consists of about 35 head which changes due to sales and purchases. Get to know us, and come see us when we are out and about at various fairs and events. We go to 5 major shows not including the county fairs. ILR herd ID# SH404 Home phone 740-254-4265